Popular Education

"No one educates anyone, and nobody is self educated; all of us learn from each other, mediated by the world we live in."

Paulo Freire

Mujeres en Accion


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Outreach Coordinator Carmen Goley speaks to the media about enforcing AB 241 at an action in October 2015 in Los Angeles.

IDEPSCA began organizing with women in 1994 in the City of Pasadena around violence in our immigrant communities. Out of this work, surged Mujeres en Movimiento (Women in Movement), a Latina immigrant leadership program that analyzed and developed a plan to address violence as a major issue facing Latina women. The fact that Latina women not only lacked the skills and education to be independent from abusive husbands and partners, but more specifically, there were no opportunities to improve their skills and develop an awareness of oppression in a society that promotes white male dominant structures as they deal with cultural gender barriers.

In February of 2001, an economic strategy was set in place with the Pasadena Domestic Worker Association. After much analyzing and organizing, an outcome of this process, six women are now co-owners of a Limited Liability Company called “Magic Cleaners” that is leading the way to clean private homes and small business utilizing Eco-friendly alternative cleaning methods.

Mujeres en Movimiento became Mujeres en Accion in the fight and win for the
California Domestic Worker Bill of Rights (AB 241). Women meet nearly every week in our main office to make sure that the protections written into the Bill of Rights are enforced, expanded, and made permanent.