Popular Education
"No one educates anyone, and nobody is self educated; all of us learn from each other, mediated by the world we live in."
Paulo Freire
Vote for IDEPSCA to Win $10,000 and the People's Momentum Award
IDEPSCA's work is for and by immigrant community members and their families. We see this through Mujeres en Accion, household workers who meet to develop their leadership skills in order to change their realities around issues of labor and health. We see this in our Aprendamos afterschool program. Currently meeting twice a week in Lincoln Heights, grade schoolers meet with their families to learn about water conservation. Their session will culminate with a community mural that the young people will design and paint.
Help IDEPSCA keep it's momentum going and it's people going with a vote to help us win $10,000 from the Women's Foundation of California? It will just take a minute--vote here:
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