Our Mission
To create a more humane and democratic society by responding to the needs and problems of disenfranchised people through leadership development and educational programs based on Popular Education methodology. Specifically our goal is to organize and educate immigrants concerned with solving problems in their own communities.

Popular Education

"No one educates anyone, and nobody is self educated; all of us learn from each other, mediated by the world we live in."

Paulo Freire

IDEPSCA's work is for and by immigrant community members and their families. We see this through Mujeres en Accion, household workers who meet to develop their leadership skills in order to change their realities around issues of labor and health. We see this in our Aprendamos afterschool program. Currently meeting twice a week in Lincoln Heights, grade schoolers meet with their families to learn about water conservation. Their session will culminate with a community mural that the young people will design and paint.

On Thursday, March 26, from 8 am to 11 am, in conjunction with California Hospital Medical Center, we will be offering free health screenings at our Downtown Community Job Center location. The screenings that will be offered include blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar testing and testing for anemia.

Results will be provided the same day but spaces are limited. Please reserve your spot by calling (213) 747-2064.

Madison from the Pico Union Project, one of the co-sponsors of the event, breaking down why you and your friends should attend the First Pico Union Resource Fair this Thursday.

IDEPSCA, CARECEN, The Pico Union Project, and Los Angeles City Council District 1/Gil Cedillo invite you and your family to participate in the 1st Annual Pico Union Resource Fair on
